How My Funny Hat Will Help You Be More Productive

Hey Everyone!

I was out hiking with my dog Kodiak today and thought of something I wanted to share with you. It is a short video about how the funny hat I was wearing (you can see it below) taught me 3 things that help me to get more done and be far more happy and productive. So click the play button below and be sure to share in the comments how you feel you can be more productive with the hats that you wear!

All the best in happiness, health & wealth!


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3 Replies to “How My Funny Hat Will Help You Be More Productive”

  1. Hi Jason,

    I totally understand what you mean about the many hats we can wear. I’m a spouse, a cook, and working on becoming a marketer.

    Thanks for the valuable tips.

    Ligia Fleckenstein

  2. Ligia,

    I’m sure you could add a lot more hats to your list 😉 So, what are you going to change now that you’ve heard these 3 tips?

    All the best in happiness, health & wealth,

  3. Wow Jason. This video really speaks to me today.

    Sometimes people want to be all things to all people. You want to make everyone happy because you’re a giver by nature. This can sometimes come out and bite you because of other forces that might be at work.

    I’ll leave it there for now. 🙂

    You speak very clear and concise. Great vid.

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