Turbulence Training
Once Jason stopped training full-time (6 days/wk, up to 8 hrs/day, 11 months/yr) he found himself pretty burned out from training so much for so long (20 years). He started looking for a quick and effective way to stay fit and didn’t feel like writing his own programs at the time (he wanted a real no-brainer). That’s when he came across Craig Ballantyne and instantly liked what he saw and stood for.
Craig took a lot of similar training philosophy that Jason had used for years and compressed it down into 45 minute workouts (and less) that you can do at the gym or even at home (with no equipment required). He has been following Craig since 2007 and is still within 3 lbs (less) of when he won his medal at the Olympics (bigger upper body and much smaller legs) thanks to Craig.
So if you are just getting started back into the fitness game and want to shed some fat, put on muscle (yes you can do both) or are just looking for a time efficient way to stay fit, this is the program Jason recommends (unless you want to go and train with Jason personally of course)!