Mindset Resources

Here are some of Jason’s favorite resources that helped him to adjust his mindset and become a high performer…


High Performance Academy

Jason always wanted to be a High Achiever and reached amazing levels of success in his sport.  Last year, he came across Brendon Burchard’s ‘High Performance Academy’ and was BLOWN AWAY!  If he had known this information years earlier when he was still competing, he can only imagine the difference it would have made.  You can check it out and GET a FREE 3-part video training series on “6 High Performance Secrets” by clicking here.  They will help you achieve more, re-energize your life, and positively influence more people quickly and easily.


The “Super Busy Person’s” Meditation

We’re sure you’ve heard of the amazing benefits of meditation, right?  If you haven’t, it is proven to be one of the best ways to decrease stress (and we’re sure you know someone that has experienced that in their life).  The challenge is, if you’re at all like Jason, that it is sometimes difficult to “quiet” the mind in order to achieve the benefits of the meditation.  That’s when he found this resource and man, did it make a difference for him!  It is what he calls “the super busy person’s meditation”.  What does he mean by that?  Well, all you have to do is put the CD into a player, pop on some headphones, and IT DOES ALL THE WORK FOR YOU!  You just kick back and relax!  With the stress he was under leading up to the Olympics, he would listen to this before going to bed at night and it did the meditation for him (helping him meditate deeper than a zen monk) and receiving the amazing benefits.  Give it a try, you won’t regret it!