Optimum Sports Nutrition: Your Competitive Edge
After struggling with his health for 11 years and missing the Olympics twice because of sickness Jason decided he needed to do something different. He came across this book and it really opened his eyes to what he was missing. It excited him to get deep into research of optimal nutrition (over 15 years ago now). Jason believes it was a major catalyst to getting him back on track with his health and ultimately helping him to win his Olympic medal (especially page 219)! Even though it is now 20 years old, Jason still feels it is a must read for any up and coming athlete.
What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About Nutritional Medicine May Be Killing You
Now if that title doesn’t grab your attention, nothing will! Believe it or not, this book is written by a medical doctor that was in family practice for over 30 years (and the dedication in the book says, “This book is written with deep humility and respect for the Great Physician”). Have you ever felt like there must be a better way to treat disease then with pharmaceutical drugs? If yes, then you’d be right. This book was a huge eye opener for Jason and will be for anyone that is looking to take responsibility for their own health and provides tools and resources to do it, nutritionally.
Optimal Cellular Nutrition
Of all of the things that Jason teaches, if there was just one thing, one simple change that he’d recommend for absolutely every single person that he works with that wants to live a healthier, more vibrant life full of energy it would be this, “Feed your cells (all 80-100 TRILLION of them, the building blocks of your entire body) with nutrients in the optimal amounts, forms and ratios.”
If you would like more information on how to best do this, CLICK HERE to take a FREE Personalized Health Assessment ($97 value) tailored specifically to you.
This is the one thing that Jason changed that he believes made the absolute most profound effect in his career that enabled him to maintain his health and win his Olympic medal. The results were so amazing, he started a program that now includes OVER 700 ELITE, PROFESSIONAL AND OLYMPIC ATHLETES THAT TOGETHER HAVE WON OVER 100 OLYMPIC MEDALS!
He knows in his heart that it will help you too. You want to live your best life, right? CLICK HERE to take your FREE Personalized Health Assessment.