1. Mindset:
Click Here for some of Jason’s favorite resources that helped him to adjust his mindset and become a high performer.
2. Macronutrition:
Click Here to access what has been, for Jason and many others, some of the most life changing information when it comes to how you should eat and what you need to be putting in your body for long term health. This information isn’t just for people that need to lose weight (but is very effective for them) but is an absolute NECESSITY for anyone interested in maintaining or even improving their health.
3. Movement:
Click Here to find out how Jason has been able to stay fit after going from training for 20 years up to 8 hrs/day, 6 days/week, 11 months/year to training 2-3 times per week (for 45 minutes each).
4. Micronutrition:
Click Here to find out what the key thing was that Jason did after struggling with his health for 11 years and missing the Olympics twice because of sickness.
5. Mentoring:
Click Here for more on what every successful person has in their corner to achieve their goals.